My First Blog.............
So here goes, after I eventually worked out how to create a blog page I'm finally up and running :)
This week has been very exciting and opened doors to new opportunities.
On 24th September I enrolled at Middlesex University on the Professional Practice B.A.Hons course. This was an eventful day for me as I've always wanted to achieve a degree and this is my chance to conquer that dream. Fingers crossed in 15months time I'll get that photo opportunity with scroll in hand :)
It was great to meet everyone on the BAPP course and hear everyone's experiences and backgrounds and to find out what's brought them to the course. Paula Nottingham and Alan Durrant were so welcoming and explained the details of the course to us. Its brilliant that BAPP caters for Artistic professionals from all backgrounds. I feel I'm going to learn and gain from every individual that's on the course and I hope I can help and share ideas with you on topics raised.
Throughout the enrolment day many topics were discussed, but one word I came away thinking about was 'REFLECTION' . Alan Durrant raised some very interesting points about looking at our professional practice from different angles and asked us what are our next steps to progress. This was made clear in a newspaper exercise the group took part in. We all had to look through a paper and find an article you liked. I chose an article about a fund raising day for charity, I was attracted to the colourful photo's of the event and the various activities captured on camera. The article's title was "Warm hearts and soggy teddies, Wet weather fails to dampen enthusiasm for hospice fundraiser." (source: Lewisham Mercury Newspaper) This made me think about people who put on a smile no matter how bad the their situation is. It also brought back memories of family members I've lost due to Cancer. It's funny how an image can trigger memories of your own? Does anybody else look at a photo and take themselves back to that moment or trigger memories related to an image?
Paula asked us what is our next step after finding the article of our choice, how would we find more info? What sources would we use? It made us think about technologies we could use to get sources for the next step e.g. after my article I could research the charity named and find out how they help people, what was your next step?
A very big tip a learnt from the day was;
Questioning will attract an audience, create connections in order to gain info and help!
So fellow BAPP students...I'm looking forward to commenting on each others blogs and discovering new insights to my professional practice.
This is going to be a rollercoaster experience which I can't wait to start!