Friday, 25 October 2013

Ideas how I'm going to approach 'Task 2a and 2b'

This week I've been thinking about the Reflective writing task and what methods would be best for me to keep a journal.

I decided to purchase myself a notebook and write each day about things that interest me or something memorable that happened. I will try to relate each entry to my professional practice if it be teaching within my primary school, singing teaching at Starmaker or my private singing tutoring from home. Sometimes I won't always have my notebook on me, so I will write some notes on my iPhone and put them into my journal when I'm home.

Being artistic, I find it easier sometimes to draw my thoughts and ideas out, if it be a drawing or a diagram so my journal will probably include these as well. Spider web diagrams help my confused thoughts, being able to categorise my thinking helps me make sense of everything.

Reflective writing:

I've had some ideas about how I'm going to approach this task. I'm going to try over the next week an entry into my journal using the following different styles a day;
  • Descriptive
  • Initial Reflection
  • List
  • Evaluation
  • Graphs, charts and diagrams
  • What if?
  • Another view 
This should cover 7 days, I will blog about my findings and hopefully find a style that I prefer using or which helps me reflect on my professional practice better. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Campus session 2

Today we thought about our method for thinking and techniques to help us with reflective writing . 

Alan gave us a diagram to look at which plans out 'Our Mapping Professional Domains' This included the following; 'My inner world', 'Tools, technologies and methods' and 'The outside world'. We participated in an exercise using this diagram to help us process our thinking on the following topics; 'Practice', 'Knowledge', 'Question/Inquiry' and 'Values'. 

We did each topic individually thinking about the steps we need to take for example for my 'Question and Inquiry' I put the following:
- Inner world section: to help us get out of a confused state, understand information given, to solve a debate/problem.
-Tools/technologies/method: use social networks, internet, communication with other people in person and via computer, literature, data etc.
- The outside world: Learn information you didn't know, discover something new or find interesting, can view other peoples opinions. 
Once we did it individually we discussed it as a group and shared ideas and thoughts.  

The second part of the session Module 1 & 2 worked together. Some module 2 students shared their questions of inquiry to us which were really interesting and created a positive discussion about their steps forward and how they need to keep their questions direct. Alan mentioned you have to produce questions you can answer. 

The last part of the session we discussed how we gain knowledge and process our learning. It was raised everybody's knowledge is different you can be taught the same but act differently with the outcome of knowledge. We understand things by what they do, not what they are. All knowledge is transferable. 

We also discussed the topic of; Learning is an experiential process points raised were:
- we learn something new from a past experience.
- learn and reflect from experiences.
- critical reflection depends on where you are as a professional e.g. Performing or teaching etc. 
- Every interaction can create an experience.
- Be critical from an outside view, look back on experiences and evaluate them.

The campus session has helped me think about how I'm going to approach part 2 'The reflective practitioner' and think about what methods I'm going to use to benefit my learning and knowledge. 

Friday, 18 October 2013

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Task 1b Professional Communication Technologies (Reader 1)

I’ve put off task 1b until now as it’s taken me a few reads of ‘Reader 1’ to get my head around the whole aspect of Web 2.0 and how it helps our professional practice. To help me with my thinking on this task I read other students blogs for research to find out how they approached the task and how Web 2.0 helps their professional practice and their opinions upon the topic.  This task brought to my attention how much we use Web 2.0 tool’s in everyday life and throughout  our professional practice.

Professional Communications Technology

Unknown to me before reading ‘Reader 1’ I was using Web 2.0 tools without realising the magnitude of what I was doing e.g. Facebook, Google, Blogging, You tube, Flickr etc. Many of these social networks I have discovered from being on the BAPP course. The BAPP course has given me new opportunities in how to communicate with peers and tutors and given me the confidence to use these tools to benefit my professional practice.

How I understand Web2.0.

‘Reader 1’ explains how Web 1.0 was a huge leap forward in accessibility to knowledge and acts as a platform for Web 2.0.

“Content creators were few in Web 1.0. with the vast majority of users simply acting as consumers of content”. Commode, G and Krishnamuntly, B (2008)

Web 1.0.  Works on an author to reader basis, whereas Web 2.0. allows the reader to become the creator by allowing, editing, commenting and sharing information via communication technologies. Looking at today’s usage of the internet proves how much it has developed and how we have embraced the tools of Web 2.0. This new concept allows us to, collaborate information with a wider community so the creator and reader can communicate.

Tim O’Reilly’s ‘Meme’ of Web 2.0 helped me understand the key concepts, ideas and processes that underpin the growing technologies of communication.

’Reilly, T. (2006) ‘What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns And Business Models
For The Next Generation Of Software’
Tim O’Reilly’s article points out how social media e.g. blogging allows the creator and reader to communicate transforming published text to being participatory. This process is essential for my learning on the BAPP course as it allows me to comment and raise information based on professional practice. Using this process I can better my learning and alter the way I think by looking at topics from a reflective point of view and questioning people’s opinions. The ‘Wisdom of crowds’ (James Suriowecki) is important within blogging as you will gain more out of your blog if you create a following and get people commenting.
My Participation of Web 2.0 and Ethical Considerations.
Web 2.0 allows people to interact and participate more easily for example; using web 2.0 I am able to communicate with fellow students without meeting them in person with such tools as blogging, emailing and Skype etc. Being part of various social networks I am able to participate, be creative and engage with a wide audience. If I was to pose a question on a social network site, instead of getting one answer I would get answers from various people. This process is helpful for advertising an event or cause as friends/ colleagues will share your post informing more people, then more people again.
A status or blog can also create a discussion or encourage opinions on relevant topics.  However, social networks have to have security measures in place as personal details and photos can be too easily accessible.  Being in the teaching profession I have to be very careful what I post and what people post about me on social network sites, it’s about trusting your users and keeping your integrity as a user. Working with children you have to be very careful what you publish on social networks and who can access them. There are many issues regarding child protection and safeguarding, but these are in place to protect children from cyber nemeses.  Kuehn brought this to the for front for me in his quote on teachers using facebook;
“Teachers are probably the most vulnerable group in danger from violations of boundary crossing between one’s personal and professional lives.” Kuehn, 2010 p86.
Being a singing teacher I came across these difficulties during Task 1d:2d Images. For this task I wanted to show some pictures of my singing lessons as teaching is a prominent part of my professional practice. I approached my employer ‘Starmaker’ to find out if parents have signed consent forms for their children to be videoed/photographed when joining the school for promotional purposes.  I can confirm that each child I filmed in my video ‘Happy Ending’ which I posted on my Flickr account and YouTube had written permission to be film.  Below is the link to Starmaker’s Terms and conditions page which allows you to access the questions parents signed registering at the school.
Having this permission demonstrating an extract of my singing class helps me to promote self-professional practice as a vocal tutor, and promote ‘Starmaker’ , giving us both better exposure and advertising.
However, it is our own responsibility to be aware of an effect of an action carried out or decision made on social network sites e.g. status updates, friends uploading photos of you, blog post etc. can have a negative effect. As a teacher I am responsible of what is posted on my social network sites and who can access them, if I don’t control this then problematic situations could arise.  What difficulties have you come across using social network sites?
As a singing teacher I participate on web 2.0 on a regular basis often using ‘Google’ and ‘YouTube’ to research new singing games, activity ideas and song choice ideas. Web 2.0 allows individuals to share innovative ideas to a greater audience and generate discussion and comments.
Collective Intelligence of Web 2.0
Feenberg and Bakardjieva (2004) extract stood out for me explaining how Web 2.0 allowed communities to develop;
"existing professional networks’ and offer a “Social space for people, strangers and almost strangers with diverse backgrounds to come together as equals, as generators of ideas, to deliberate and act collectively”
Feenberg, A. & Bakardjieva, M. (2004) 'Virtual community: No killer implication’, New
Media & Society, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 37.
Reader 1 triggers ideas that connecting with people, “communities will evolve, encouraging and supporting collaboration and facilitate debate and discussion”.
Gruber (2007) three components stood out to me how social interaction and collective intelligence has grown.
·         A social system, supported by computing and communication technology, which generates self-service problem solving discussions on the Internet.
·         A search engine that is good at finding questions and answers in this body of content.
·         Intelligent users, who know how to formulate their problems in queries that the search engine can match to online question/answer pairs.
(Gruber, T. (2008)'Collective knowledge systems: Where the social web meets the semantic web', Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 4-13.)
If Web 2.0 makes systems consistently better then web 2.0 platforms will continue to evolve and grow.
In Social Media statistics: January 27, 2013 at 10:04pm prove how popular social media sites are and how many users there are daily. Within the top five are websites I use on a daily basis for personal use and professional practice:
·         Facebook: 1 billion users; 604 million mobile users; More than 42 million pages and 9 million apps.
·         YouTube: 800 million users, 4 billion views per day.
·         Twitter: 500 million total users, more than 200 million active users.
·         Google+: 400 million registered users, 135 million active users.
Statistics like these make you think do people of today’s society feel out of place if they don’t have a Facebook account?
Conclusion of thoughts on web 2.0
I’m guilty of using the internet for research e.g. finding drama games for kids to help my teaching. I also use Google on a daily basis. You can say has web 2.0 created a lazy nation or a pro-active nation? Many people use Google to type a question in to find out an answer rather than going to a library or other sources of information. However, with the vast collective intelligence on the internet do we gain more information from the internet than if we sourced from elsewhere? We have to consider is the information found on the internet reliable? With people able to have an opinion and comment using Web 2.0 tools factual information can be altered or derailed from the truth. I explain this as a Chinese whisper affect; someone can post a question or piece of information on a social network site then by the time people have commented and shared opinions the original question or piece of information can be completely different .
Having so many people easily accessible it is great for publicity/advertising to share events or raise awareness of current affairs. Web 2.0 keeps people more connected and allow universal communication.  Overall Web 2.0 is key to professional practice, it develops the individual and keeps them connected with the wider world and grows as new communication technologies develop for the better.




Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Task 1a Re-visited

Having listened to comments and advice about my professional profile, and overcome the confusion of people uploading C.V.'s. I have re-visited this task and added my teaching experience with more detail. I feel this shows all the aspects of my professional practice. I would love to hear your comments. I'm also in the process of putting together my thoughts and ideas on Task 1b, so there will be a blog very soon.   

Monday, 7 October 2013

Task 1a: Professional profile

When I originally created my professional profile I wrote my C.V. off the top of my head not realising it was an important aspect to my blog and how I represent myself. With this in mind I have done some research looking at other BAPP students blogs and how they have written their professional profile. I have gained lots of ideas and really want to try and rewrite my profile to include my teaching experience. I find this difficult when producing a C.V. as I normally do a Performing C.V. and a Teaching/work C.V. However, after my BAPP course I would like to persue a career into teaching, for this I need to find away to combine the two of my C.V's as I feel my performing experience makes me stand out from other candidates for a PGCE course. I'm struggling to upload my C.V's to google.doc keeping them in the original format, can anyone help me please?  As I would love people's advise how to improve and make my C.V. better. Completing these tasks my I.T skills are improving but I feel I have lots more to learn.

Task 1d: 2d images

For this task I decided to produce a gallery of memories from my performing jobs and professional headshots. Each photo triggers lots of memories for me. Images are very important in today's society, especially social media websites. They tell a person's story and gives you an immediate insight into that particular person; e.g. what they look they, interests, personality etc.

In the performing industry we are judged by a photo everyday, so having a good headshot was always important to me when I auditioned for jobs and agents, it also gave me many opportunities to be noticed as a performer. 

As my career has moved on into teaching I find it difficult to capture my singing lessons due to ethic reasons and the safety of having images of children on social networks. 

For this reason I have put a link to my photo gallery on Flickr. To do this I had to create a Flickr account, this process came easier to me as I'm used to uploading images on Facebook and this helped me realise I use web 2.0 tools on a regular bases.

Photo gallery link:

After creating my photo gallery I had a go at exploring new tools and uploading a video of my singing classes at Starmaker. All of my photo's in my gallery are performance related and I wanted to demonstrate my teaching professional practice as well.

Video link:
Also on you tube:

Thursday, 3 October 2013

First campus session

Wednesday’s campus session was a great opportunity to meet fellow BAPP students on module 1, 2 and 3. It was helpful asking students who had gone through my process how they felt at the beginning of the course; many explained…”Confused”. This was the general feeling amongst 1st Module students during the start of our campus session. It was brought to our attention, it’s better to feel confused and questioning than being content. 


Alan went through the 1ST module criteria and tasks we have to complete in lots of detail, this helped us all understand how we approach the module. I personally felt I had a greater insight into the challenges ahead from this session  and it’s slowly clicking into place and becoming clearer.


The emphasis of the campus session is to keep on top of communicating networks e.g. blogs with your fellow students. They will help you through the process and you will help them. By talking through confusing subjects you eventually come out with some clear and reflective points and opinions which will help you and others on the course.


So, let’s help each other out and work through the module tasks; remember to comment, question and reflect!

Negative or Positive? How do you approach life?

I attended a speed awareness course last weekend starting the day with a negative attitude with the feeling of, “do I really have to be here?” However, the course was very informative and made me reflect on the way I drive, my attitude to driving and to be more aware of hazardous situations on the road. Taking part in the course I found my thought processes were seeing things from a reflective point of view this was triggered by my first module of reflective practices.


I came away with lots of thought processes and connected driving to the performing professional world. The driving course leaders explained your attitude on the road can have a knock on affect to other drivers e.g. if your irate, impatient and annoying other drivers  it can lead to them getting anxious and worked up which eventually could create an incident. This idea of a knock on affect made me think about attitudes people have towards theatre/film companies. For example; at an audition a performer may mention a negative opinion about the company you’re auditioning for which will make you question do I want to work for this company? Or the opposite circumstance a performer may say a positive comment to make you get excited and want to be employed by the company. Individuals have positive and negative opinions about a variety of theatre/film companies, as a practicing professional do we listen to their opinion or find out for ourselves?


From a personal experience I’ve learnt the hard way trusting companies, but if a fellow performer asked me my opinion about a theatre/film company I would view my opinion/concerns but let them make their own decisions what’s wrong for one individual maybe right for another, do you agree?


Another key point of the driving course that triggered a thought process was how distractions can affect your focus on the present task. As a working professional I have lots going on and sometimes I need to slow down and focus on one thing, give myself time to think, what do I want to do in the future? How can I better myself? How can I improve my professional practice?


I’m a strong believer in having a positive attitude when approaching tasks in life, this concludes in a more pro-active effect. Throughout my career as a performer I’ve experienced plenty of knock backs, but having a positive outlook on life you create new opportunities for yourself rather than dwell on the negative and live in the past. Stop thinking what if? Start thinking, what’s next? Ask yourself, What’s your attitude on life? Do you think negative or positive?